Monday 28 September 2015

Assignment 3 Report

Assignment 3 Report

1. How does the video relate to your blog?

As our blog topic in assignment 2 was “sports”, so we are focus on created our video relating to play different sports.  In the video, our group members are played table tennis, Esport and tennis. This is a good experience for our group to have time play sport together and also learn how to record a video and edit it. And our aim is advertise our blog and increase the audience’s interest on sports after watching our video.

2. The process of creating the video.

Before we start taking the video, we went on YouTube and done lots of research for some examples to get some ideas which are related to sport as our reference. The first step in our process of creating the video was think about ideas of how we were going to create our video text, music, video themes and clips.
Secondly we started to organize the order of how we would create the video and music recording. We set the approximate time of the video, how many shots do we need to take and is there any background music that we can be able to add into the video. We used iPhone to record our video in this assignment. In this step we took lots of different camera angles to find best way to record the video and also record the most clearly sound as possible in the video. One of our team member’s creates sound in their spare time, so they can create some personality music to back the video.  In the video, we record three slip; one in which group members played tennis together and one in which played tennis and one in which interrupts one of our member’s played the Esport. We thought this would make the video more interesting.
Lastly, we used moviemaker to combine our videos and edit. We spent most of time to edit the video because it is the most important part in this video. We added subtitle to make it easier for viewers to more clearly what we doing. We remove all the unwanted part of the video, make each of the video in to the correct order and edit them into one video. We did experience a difficultly when we use the moviemaker because none of us have get in touch with video editing software. But then, we resolved it by searching on Internet. Also we have discuss that which part of the video should keep in our final video and which part should give up, so we can get best final version of our video.

3 The challenges in making the video.

In our group video, we think there are lots of challenges through the start of the video till the end. Similar challenges existed for this video assignment of which we had for blog assignment. Our main issue once again was finding meeting time for everyone to assist in the planning and creation of video. Luckily we find time in weekend to create the video. Also the main challenge of this assignment for our group was editing because all of our group had never used video or music editing software before and it’s difficult to learn and hard to use. So we did lots of research from different type of video editing software and compare each other to find which software will be the best to fit our group video.

Blog username: Password: 1234567.
Twitter: Group6_isys            password:1234567.
Group members: Jiangjie Chen (42350875)     Sam Tam (42902533)
                              Shenhui Xu (44607563)         Xin Zhang (44662378)
                              Yuting Wei (44606621)

Posted by: Yuting Wei (44606621)

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