Monday 7 September 2015

Assignment 2 report

ISYS100-Assignment 2

1. Explain why you chose the blog topic.
The reason why we choose sports as our topic is basically that we love sports. In our group, everyone got their own favourite sports; we could gain same benefits from sports. Information about sports on the internet is huge and you can easily gain access to what you need to complete the task. First of all, life lies in movement. Playing sports is like doing exercise that could make people healthy physically and mentally. Another benefit is able to make lots of friends. When we play sports in public or in some clubs, we often meet new friends who have the same hobbies with us. It is interesting and we all enjoy it. We were right for choosing this topic; everything was very straightforward and uncomplicated. Also, everyone enjoys the writing the blog.   

2. What were the largest challenges with a team assignment?
A team assignment faced a lot of challenges in terms of longer process, unequal participation, group conflict and limiting creativity. The biggest problem was finding time to actually meet together and discuss the progression and other matters. So the difficulty we meet together increases the potential disadvantage of less time focusing on our topic. We have limited time on our blog and every group member has his or her own assignments for other units. To determine our blog design layout or content on the blog, we were able to discuss on the Wikispaces or Wechat. However, sometimes we work on our own part and may know a few suggestions from others. Everyone has his or her own ideas and it's hard to unify their opinions. In addition, the effiency of our teamwork decreases and we spent more time on our blog. When we start doing making blog, its difficult to manage the team without deciding whether who is doing what.

3. How did you come up with the final design that you used.
Before publish a post on our blog, we search the raw materials in Internet and then open a pages on wikispace to discuss the idea for further useful information that can be posted. Furthermore, we edit and paraphrase the raw content in order to post on blogger. The posts always come up with pictures (always the sports players), on the right side or on the center related to the content and also we create some labels in relation to the content so that others are able to search the relevant posts in blogger. Moreover, we use the reaction function at the bottom of the post for other user to interaction. Also, users are able to leave a comment or share the post to other social media such as google, twitter and facebook. In addition, posts can also be viewed through the blog archive by titles and time sequence on the right side.

4. Compare a blog that has similar content to your self, critically analyse your site comparing theres.
Firstly, the sportsblog has a similar content compare to our blog, ( However the sportsblog illustrate a more attractive visual image to gain the audience attention. Secondly, the sportsblog has hyperlink and hypertext that the audience can click on for more information. Thirdly, our blog is mainly focus on introducing sports play all over the world such as Lin Dan from China, while the sportsblog introduces different players and also sports news, the blog also critically analysis players performance, match prediction. Comparing with our blog presenting about spots, the blog has been simply organised to look at easily and reading smoothly. Simply organised structure make the readers understand clearly about what the blog is going to talk about, and some picture and video clips can help to lead further attention to relevant topics. We consider this blog is good model for those who never create the blog and can lead to the further understanding of how they show their abilities and creativities through the blog.

Blog username: Password: 1234567.
Wikispace username: Group6_isys   Password: 1234567.
Group members: Jiangjie Chen (42350875)    Sam Tam (42902533)
                             Shenhui Xu (44607563)      Xin Zhang (44662378)
                             Yuting Wei (44606621)

Posted by: Yuting Wei (4460661)

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