Friday 28 August 2015

China news in table tennis

Sports player in social media

Social media has become a main player when it comes to promotion and influence. A lot of people all over the world have become popular because of social media. Let us see who among the Chinese players are doing well in this aspect. Well, of course, Zhang Jike is on top despite the controversies he has been recently. 
Sohu Sports. After six months this year, Chinese players are also ranked in their influence in social media. As expected, Zhang Jike ranks first. 

Information starting from January 1 to June 30 this year from the Weibo accounts (QQ & Sina) of Chinese table tennis players were gathered recently, and this information produced the list of the most influential players in China.

As expected, first on the list is the Grand Slam champion Zhang Jike. He has the highest number of followers and the highest number of commenters. This just means that the social influence of Zhang Jike is very high. 

This year, Zhang Jike didn’t achieve very impressive performances in competitions and he was also in a controversy with his Shandong Luneng Team recently. Despite that, he still has maintained his relevance to the Chinese people.  

POSTED BY Xin, Zhang
ID NUMBER: 44662378

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